
Rt Hon
Tobias Ellwood

Consultant, Writer, & Commentator on
Defence, International Security & Geopolitics

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The Challenge

We face an unpredictable decade as more complex and diverse threats challenge...

We face an unpredictable decade as more complex and diverse threats challenge our values and way of life. New technology is changing the very character of conflict and new, authoritarian alliances and are taking advantage of a reluctance of the West to defend our Global Order. The symbiotic relationship between our economy and our security has arguably never been starker. We must urgently upgrade our defence posture if we are to defend our freedoms and yield greater influence on the international stage.

The Opportunity

For many the proximity of war still seems a long way off. But our world is getting more dang...

For many the proximity of war still seems a long way off. But our world is getting more dangerous not less. We are already experiencing a Cold War but different to the last and heading to a world at war – but also different to the last. Those who better understand the threat picture today can not only improve their own readiness and resilience but are in a stronger position to offer solutions to Governments still in denial of the gathering storm clouds and resisting the inevitable increase in defence and security spending that will soon follow.

The Offer

Tobias has accumulated a wealth of experience over the last thirty-five years and now has....

Tobias has accumulated a wealth of experience over the last thirty-five years and now has an impressive grasp of the challenges we face and the options we must all consider if we are to halt the demise in our Global Order and manage this decade of geo political disruption as, internationally, we rekindle our statecraft skills.

Latest Media Appearance

Latest Published Article

TOBIAS ELLWOOD: Putin's hypersonic missile attack in Ukraine should serve as a resounding wake-up call

Published in The Mail of Sunday 24th November 2024 Putin’s recent use of an advance hypersonic missile in Ukraine should serve as a resounding wake-up call across Whitehall. These new advanced, long-range, air-launched weapons travel at speeds exceeding Mach 5 and can evade traditional defences by zigzagging unpredictably and targeting multiple points of impact. They represent a profound leap in offensive military technology - one that should keep those charged with defending the UK's skies a

We are already in a cold war but unlike the last. We are heading to a world war but unlike the last. We are instead facing a world perpetually at war. This is why everyone must plan.- Tobias Ellwood

Areas of Interest and Expertise

With over 30 years of military and government experience Tobias has accumulated a range of specialist experience and has developed an impressive network of connects in both with senior government, commercial, think and military stake holders across the world.


  • Hard Power: Sea, Land, and Air Assets, Interoperability, CAS-D, Resilience and Readiness
  • Defence Industrial Strategy: Procurement, Acquisition, Supply Chains, Stockpiles,Arms Exports, Risk Management
  • Changing Character of Conflict: AI, Cyber, UAV, Grey Zone/Sub-threshold, Weaponisation of Space, Impact of Climate Change, Law-fare
  • Homeland Security: Critical National Infrastructure, National Service/Force Generation, Counterterrorism, Extremism
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  • Grand Strategy
  • UK Foreign Policy & UK/US Special Relationship
  • Legislative Engagement: UK, US, EU
  • Growing Competition: China/Russia/Iran Axis, Nuclear Proliferation, Full Spectrum Warfare, Non-State Actors/Terrorist Groups
  • International Organisations: UN, EU, Commonwealth, NATO, Five Eyes, AUCUS, IMF/World Bank/OECD, WTO, International Court of Justice, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

International Security

  • Defence Diplomacy
  • International Crisis Response
  • Soft Power Security: UN, EU, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, International Aid, Upstream Engagement
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Through keynote speeches, political briefings, military analysis and geopolitical seminars Tobias provides actionable recommendations supported by a forward-looking, data-driven analysis tailored to your specific circumstances.

Do you want to know more?

Tobias Ellwood's Past Analysis